Integrating Rainwater Harvesting into Your Stormwater Management Plan
Advanced treatment trains that start the design at the roof vs. ground level will be emphasized in this session, and several successful projects at various scales will be discussed along with suggestions on improvement of designs.
1 PDH / 0.1 CEU
Introduction to Digitizing Asset Management for Stormwater Infrastructure
Learn the benefits on why digitizing asset management for stormwater infrastructure will supply the data and tools needed to meet annual reporting requirements, provide real-time maintenance reporting, and provide your stormwater program with adaptive management and reporting capabilities.
0.1 CEU/1 PDH
Introduction to Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
This presentation will serve to both inform and instruct these operators on the basics of IDDE. We will look at a few of the BMP’s typically deployed and utilized by those responsible for the implementation of an IDDE program.
Key Components of Effective Sediment Basins
Sediment basins are a common Best Management Practice (BMP) for minimizing sediment discharges and reducing peak flow rates from construction sites. Often times though, they do not function or provide the benefit for which they were designed.
Keys to Successful Erosion Control
Erosion control how-to with erosion control guru Jay Selby (President, SSEC)! Topics include understanding your soil, soil preparation, proper mulch applications, and Hydraulic vs. Rolled Erosion applications.
0.1 CEU/1 PDH
Kinnickinnic River at Jackson Park
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is partnering with Milwaukee County Parks and others to make improvements along the Kinnickinnic River and within Jackson Park as part of the larger 2017 Kinnickinnic River Watershed Flood Management Plan. Goals include flood risk reduction; improved public safety; improved riparian and aquatic habitats; enhanced stream aesthetics; and robust community collaboration. The team, led by designer HNTB, will discuss the project steps taken from planning to preliminary engineering. Design completion is planned in 2022 with construction to follow.
Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation Progress for Douglas County, Nevada
In this session, learn how the Douglas County stormwater program staff are facing bandwidth and resource challenges head on with this additional responsibility, including the development of a Stormwater Master Plan.
Lancaster’s Integrated Green Infrastructure Plan: Reviewing a Decade of Implementation and Planning for the Next
This presentation will provide an overview of the City’s progress over the last 10 years, summarize the planning analyses completed in 2018 as part of the GI plan update, and highlight some of the current large-scale GI efforts that are underway.
Large Diameter Culvert Spray Applied (SAPL) Geopolymer Linings for City of San Antonio and Bexar County, TX
This presentation reviews a series of projects where SAPL technology has been employed in pipes ranging from 30 inches to 78 inches in diameter.
Lessons Learned from a Four-Year Audit of the Hawaii DOT’s Stormwater Programs
The approach to evaluating HDOT’s stormwater programs will be described including tools and methods that were developed to assist in the audit process.
Lessons Learned from Updating a Stormwater Master Plan
When completing Stormwater Master Plans and formulating stormwater infrastructure improvement projects, municipalities and their consultants frequently face the difficult decisions of selecting an appropriate technical approach, developing infrastructure projects, and establishing criteria for prioritization.
Let’s Make a Deal: Copy RI’s Unique Green Infrastructure Partnership Funding Model
In Rhode Island, two state agencies are partnering with local non-profits and municipalities to put lots of green infrastructure on the ground quickly.
Leveraging Incentives: Lessons Learned from San Francisco’s Green Infrastructure Grant Program
Explore the history and drivers of the program, the grant program structure, case studies of awarded projects, and the challenges and lessons learned.
Leveraging Technology in the Time of COVID-19
This presentation will present the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the use of evolving technology for remote monitoring, weather tracking, project team communication, and virtual mobile trainings.
Living Schoolyards as Stormwater Infrastructure: San Francisco’s Stormwater Schoolyards Program
Discover how SFPUC started its partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District and how it scaled up over the last 13 years.
Living Shorelines: Lakes, Ponds, and Other Inland Waters
This course will explore the tools, techniques, and practices that offer hope for a future which promises both functional and sustainable shorelines.
0.1 CEU/1 PDH
Low Impact Development (LID) Done Right
This course discusses four different types of LID (bioretention, permeable pavement, green roofs, and impervious runoff dispersion).
0.2 CEU/2 PDH
Lower Las Vegas Wash Stabilization: An Erosion Control and Flood Mitigation Program for Infrastructure Protection
This presentation provides an overview of the program, challenges encountered, and proposed solutions.
Lower Rio Grande Valley Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Task Force
This session will cover how the Task Force has evolved since 1998, including updating its mission to include stormwater quality management approaches to address broader water quality and watershed issues; transitioning to RATES/RGV; and becoming a non-profit organization in 2022.