Originally presented at StormCon 2022 on September 28, 2022, 1:00-1:30 PM
The Integrated Asset Management Framework was created by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC) as part of a project funded by Spring Point Partners. The framework integrates green assets into the existing gray asset management framework and can be used by water, wastewater, or stormwater entities. It took many years for water, wastewater, and stormwater sectors to accept and recognize traditional asset management, but now that it is standard, green infrastructure can benefit from fitting into the same established format. Often these green or natural facilities have not been thought of as assets in the same way that concrete and steel assets have. To improve O&M of water utilities or other types of entities as well as better serve the public, these facilities need to be managed as assets and included within an overall asset management program. This talk will introduce the overall concept, describe the framework, and present case studies with a discussion of the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating green assets into a traditional framework. The framework is free and available to anyone to use.
Presented by:
Dawn Nall – Southwest Environmental Finance Center
Heather Himmelberger – Southwest Environmental Finance Center