Mastering LinkedIn: A Guide for the Water Industry Professional


This course explains the value of the LinkedIn platform for water professionals and how to establish themselves as thought leaders. 0.1 CEU/1 PDH



SKU: 52731 Category:


Since its inception in 2003, LinkedIn has been the gold standard for professional networking, with more than 700 million users worldwide. Each week, 40 million people utilize the platform to look for work. This course explains the value of the LinkedIn platform for water professionals and how to establish themselves as thought leaders.

Join Stormwater University on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, as speaker Walid Khoury describes how LinkedIn’s feed algorithm works and why it is critical to optimize your profile and build meaningful relationships proactively so you land the perfect job or generate more business. This course also shares the profile of some of the water micro-influencers and the best strategies to gain followers in the niche water industry.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the importance of being active on LinkedIn
  • Demonstrate building an outstanding profile
  • Explain the LinkedIn feed algorithm
  • Recognize the need to be a thought leader
  • Develop meaningful relationships


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