We spend billions of dollars a year on stormwater management and yet we are still using stormwater design methods developed before the invention of computers. Does that make any sense? Discover a better, more accurate way to model stormwater and design stormwater facilities.
Join Stormwater University speaker Douglas Beyerlein (PE, PH, D.WRE) as he discusses single-event hydrology, the assumptions involved in that methodology, why these assumptions are not appropriate, and the problems that result in using these simplified methods. The course presents a better way to model hydrology and design stormwater facilities. This better way is continuous simulation hydrology, a methodology that has been around since the 1960s, but only today is finally being widely used with the availability of fast, cheap computers, and easy-to-use interactive Windows-based modeling software. This course will educate the stormwater engineer to the availability of better, more accurate hydrologic computational methods and the benefits of learning this technology.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key assumptions in single-event hydrology
- Evaluate why these single-event hydrology key assumptions are often wrong
- Interpret the stormwater-related impacts of these wrong key assumptions
- Examine the consequences of using outdated single-event hydrology
- Illustrate why continuous simulation is a better way to model hydrology and size stormwater facilities
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