Monitoring Stormwater Outfalls




This live webinar will cover techniques for monitoring stormwater pipes, streams, and canals to predict and model annual loads to a waterbody. The monitoring focuses mainly on:

  • Stormwater flows
  • Base flows
  • Groundwater flows
  • Evapotranspiration impacts

Join Stormwater University on March 22, 2022 for this live, educational webinar as speaker Gordon England of Brevard County, Florida’s Stormwater Program discusses techniques gathered from 20 years of outfall investigations.

Learning Objectives:

  • List the main types of monitoring programs
  • Describe Outfall testing for pollutant load determination
  • Describe the Outfall testing process for TMDL creation or compliance
  • Identify the 3 skillsets for successful sampling program
    • Data collection
    • Data manipulation
    • Data summary
  • Correctly define Parameter selection
  • Determine the Pollutant Mass Balance of gross solids, dissolved pollutants, suspended pollutants
  • Determine the Mass Balance of stormwater loads, base flows loads, evapotranspiration loads, groundwater loads to predict annual pollutant loads
  • Describe Sampling protocols
  • Visualize the Equipment setup
  • Identify common Sampling challenges
  • Derive Lessons learned from a project


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