Date: March 21, 2024 | 2:00 PM EST/1:00 PM CST
Speaker: Noah Greenberg
Credits: 0.1 CEU / 1.0 PDH
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Wetlands are commonly encountered with stormwater infrastructure projects. New stormwater facilities are frequently designed to be built in low-lying areas which support natural wetlands. Existing stormwater facilities create areas with enhanced hydrology, including concentrated flow in drainageways and detention in ponds as two examples. Under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), many natural and constructed wetlands are considered jurisdictional waters of the United States and construction activities that affect those areas may require authorization under CWA Section 404. Accordingly, it is important for stormwater professionals who are responsible for project environmental compliance to understand basic wetland regulatory considerations. This webinar will provide a high-level overview of federal wetland regulations in the United States, and will include applied examples to highlight opportunities for navigating regulatory requirements while managing project schedule, budget, and flexibility constraints.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify the potential presence/extent of regulated wetland and non-wetland waters
- Identify if a potential wetland or non-wetland water is likely to be considered a jurisdictional water of the United States
- Evaluate whether a project that is located in/near a water of the United States is regulated under CWA Section 404
- Explore CWA Section 404 authorization opportunities for regulated projects, including existing General Permits
- Best management practices for minimizing regulatory constraints and maintaining project compliance
About the Presenter

Noah Greenberg, Senior Water Resources Scientist and Regulatory Specialist
Noah Greenberg, PWS is a Senior Water Resources Scientist and Regulatory Specialist with Wright Water Engineers, Inc. (WWE). Noah holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Colorado College and a master’s degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Prior to joining WWE, Noah was the Water Resources Technical Director at a national environmental consulting firm. Noah manages and serves as a technical lead on projects involving Clean Water Act jurisdiction, Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting and compliance, water quality assessments (both functional and regulatory aspects), Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Clean Water Act Section 402 discharge permitting under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program, National Environmental Policy Act planning and review, ecological assessments, and habitat restoration.