
Evaluating BMP Performance
Evaluating BMP Performance

Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure

Industrial Stormwater Management
Industrial Stormwater Management

Stormwater Infrastructure & BMPs
Stormwater Infrastructure and BMPs

Stormwater Permit Compliance
Stormwater Permit Compliance

Stormwater Program Management
Stormwater Program Management
This track covers the development, funding and staffing of municipal and state stormwater programs.

This technical track includes academic research, and methods for testing and comparing the effectiveness of best management practices.
This track includes examples of GI practices that strive to maintain or mimic the predevelopment hydrology of a site.
This track focuses on facilities covered by industrial stormwater permits or EPA’s stormwater multi-sector general permit.

This track presents examples of how structural and nonstructural best management practices (BMPs) are being used.
This track covers the different aspects of complying with municipal stormwater permits.
This track covers the development, funding and staffing of municipal and state stormwater programs.