Low Impact Development (LID) Done Right – Group




SKU: 45925 Category:


LID (Low Impact Development) can be an effective solution to stormwater management problems. Rather than using one large stormwater control facility to do everything, LID promotes the idea of using small, dispersed stormwater control features and practices to prevent any issues from arising.

But LID is not magical. Stormwater doesn’t just disappear with the introduction of LID. The water has to go somewhere.

Join Stormwater University for this educational course as returning speaker Doug Beyerlein, PE, PH, D.WRE, presents the big picture of what LID is, how it works, and where it is most effective in managing stormwater.

This course will include information on the actual mechanisms that make LID effective and how much of a reduction in stormwater runoff can be expected for different types of LID in different parts of the country.

Learning Objectives

By participating in this course, attendees will:

  • Differentiate between stormwater facilities and practices that are considered LID and those that are not
  • Describe how LID works as part of the hydrologic cycle
  • List the types of LID that work best for the different regions of the United States
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of reducing stormwater runoff using LID options in their jurisdiction or municipality


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