Site Management Plans: Setting the Compliance Groundwork Towards Project Success (4-part series)

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Maintaining environmental compliance consumes a lot of resources. It consumes our time, our energy, and our money. The Environmental Site Management Plan process can be utilized to tell your compliance story and plan for specific field operations to ensure they are constructed in a compliant manor.
Join returning Stormwater University speaker Greg Beckius (Senior Environmental Scientist & Safety Manager, PE Services) for this comprehensive, four-part webinar series. We will navigate through the environmental compliance progression through complex projects where multiple Site Management Plans would be beneficial. In addition, we will focus on the planning and inspection techniques that industry professionals should utilize during the construction phase to ensure that compliance and quality are maintained. The planning happens at the forefront of construction but continues well into the construction phase; utilizing real project examples, this series will walk through various site management plans and their development leading into field implementation. Finally, we will wrap up this navigation process with lessons learned and call backs to those project examples.
Read the brief course descriptions, follow the links to learn more, and enroll today to SAVE 10% and earn 2 PDH / 0.2 CEU with this full-series bundle!