Originally presented at StormCon 2023. Purchase all 28 sessions here.
Stormwater quality improvement in a small structural footprint can be very beneficial to drainage design in urbanized areas. This presentation helps designers optimize structure design to serve as pretreatment and to increase trash and debris capture, along with reducing sediment and hydrocarbons to meet performance goals. This talk primarily addresses the following:
- Stormwater structure design with a focus on trash, debris and sediment
- Exploring simple devices that transform inlets and junctions into water quality structures that improve the pollution removal performance of the drainage network
- Review guidance on potential Water Quality Credits for enhanced sump structures
- Performance modeling software and online resources.
- Outlining maintenance issues pertinent to structures designed to capture pollutants.
About the Presenter
TJ Mullen is the president and founder of Best Management Products, Inc., and co-inventor of the SNOUT stormwater quality system and holds several U.S. and Canadian patents. Mullen has a 25+ year background in stormwater and wastewater design and product development. He holds a B.S. degree in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering from Penn State University.