Storm water runoff continues to act as a key contributor to impaired water resources, and the design community must rise to the occasion by striking a balance between modern development and healthy ecosystems. Outfalls in municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) are the last line of defense before storm water is discharged directly into water bodies, and these sensitive areas are often hotspots for severe erosion and conduits for downstream flooding. Consequently, outfall retrofit projects can be implemented in response to uncontrolled runoff from upstream development, inadequate energy dissipation and poor slope stabilization.
This course will also provide an overview of innovative outfall retrofits that divert storm water flow from small storms, dissipate the energy, and provide treatment through infiltration and the use of a level spreader. Outfall retrofit projects offer sustainable solutions that contribute to resilient communities by combining water quality and water quantity controls to reduce pollutant loads to downstream waterways.
Learning Objectives:
After successfully completing this course, attendees should be able to:
- Discuss why we need to innovate stormwater management and control measures
- Identify types and treatments of outfall treatment projects
- Explain regenerative stormwater conveyance
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