Originally presented at StormCon 2023. Purchase all 28 sessions here.
The Bernalillo County Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Low Impact Development (LID) Standards Document was developed to encourage the use of GSI/LID and is being included in the county’s technical standards update. The development standards also meet requirements for GSI/LID in the NPDES MS4 regulations. The purpose of this document is to enhance public understanding and increased application of GSI/LID best practices for stormwater management and pollution reduction in an arid environment. Bernalillo County strives to be a leader in sustainable design and infrastructure, and it is the intent of the county that the techniques and guidance provided in this document may be applicable for other agencies and developers in the Middle Rio Grande Valley and similar locations. The presentation will discuss the process to develop the document and well as details on the document contents, including GSI BMP technical guidance sheets, standard drawings, BMP train diagrams, plant selection resources, and maintenance considerations.
About the Presenters
Sarah Ganley, PE, ENV SP, is a senior project manager and Vice President at Bohannan Huston. She provides comprehensive NPDES stormwater compliance support to clients throughout New Mexico. Sarah is a surface water quality engineer providing technical experience with hydrology and hydraulics as well as regional knowledge in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and Low Impact Development (LID) planning, policy support, Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation, surface water quality analysis, and stormwater quality compliance.
Kali Bronson is the Stormwater Compliance Program Manager for Bernalillo County. Ms. Bronson is a hydrologist with over 20 years of experience in water resources, watershed planning, stormwater management, green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), water quality monitoring, and environmental investigations, monitoring, and restoration. Ms. Bronson is certified through the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP). She currently manages the MS4 stormwater program for Bernalillo County.