Original Date: December 4, 2024
Speakers: Dr. Mike Trojan, Dr. Elizabeth Fassman-Beck and Dana Stayer
Credits: 1.0 PDH | 0.1 CEU | Approved for all Envirocert International, Inc. (ECI) Certifications: Approval #PDH-0090
Sponsor: Timewell Drainage Products
This webinar is produced in partnership with the Stormwater Equipment Manufacturer’s Association®.
Climate change is significantly altering precipitation patterns and intensifying extreme weather events, posing a growing threat to stormwater quality. This webinar will explore the multifaceted impacts of climate change on stormwater systems, especially BMP design. We will delve into how rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and more frequent and intense storms are affecting runoff volumes, pollutant loads, and the overall health of our waterways.
Key topics to be covered include:
- Understanding the relationship between climate change and stormwater quality.
- Examining the specific impacts of climate change on stormwater systems, such as increased flooding, erosion and pollution.
- Exploring innovative strategies for mitigating the negative effects of climate change on stormwater quality with an emphasis on innovative technologies.
- Discussing the importance of sustainable stormwater management practices and the use of BMPs in treatment trains for building resilient communities.
This webinar will provide valuable insights for environmental professionals, policymakers, and community members interested in addressing the challenges posed by climate change to stormwater quality. Our guest speakers will be Dr. Mike Trojan, Dr. Elizabeth Fassman-Beck and Dana Stayer.
About the Presenters

Prior to retiring in April 2023, Dr. Mike Trojan was a hydrologist with the State of Minnesota for more than 30 years. After spending the first 15 years working on groundwater issues, he saw the light and moved into the stormwater world, spending his last eleven years as caretaker of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Mike is now a technical lead for the Stormwater Testing and Evaluation for Products and Practices (STEPP), a Center of Excellence of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA).

Dr. Elizabeth Fassman-Beck is Head of Department of Engineering at Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Her primary responsibility is to implement SCWWRP’s Stormwater BMPs (best management practices) research theme. Her research in urban stormwater management quantifies the hydrologic and water quality performance of BMPs, with an emphasis on green infrastructure (GI)/Low Impact Development (LID) technologies such as living (green) roofs, bioretention systems (rain gardens and planters), permeable pavements, swales, and floating treatment wetlands. Research outcomes have led to numerous publications in highly respected journals, a co-authored technical book, Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems, and design specifications for regulatory agencies in New Zealand and North Carolina.

Dana Stayer is a Regulatory Specialist for StormTrap. She works to manage regulatory approvals, and provide technical assistance to regulators, design engineers, and consultants with the selection and evaluation of post-construction BMPs. She is involved in numerous stormwater organizations across the Eastern US and has a passion for educating the public on the importance of stormwater management. Dana is a graduate of Valparaiso University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, specializing in stormwater and environmental engineering.
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